Here F - a focal length of lens, -a diameter of lazer bunch on the lens, - angular spread of lazer bunch before the lens(Ðiñ.2) . Dependencies h(F) on the formula (9)reduce on the drawing 3 at values of parameters of experiment: =1.7ñì, =6 ·1000 for different temperatures of liquid Ò =100 , 80 , 20 ,P = 85âò. Dependencies are build for the position of centre an êàóñòèêè on surfaces of liquid. Dependency (9) allows to calculate values of focal length ,under which value - h - reaches a maximum value and value ,approximately answer threshold of forming a channel:


On same Ðiñ.3 are brought experimental dependencies (dotted line).

   As was it already note, at the temperature of liquid Ò =100°C  practically  the whole energy of radiating must go on the evaporation. Naturally,that at the building of dependencies on the formula (9)(Ðiñ.3) for this temperatures was use value =1.
 Dependency of parameter from the temperature of liquid is unknown.So corresponding values of parameter were defined from the condition of best consent with the experiment.
I.e., as far as  from molded (10) is known dependency(T)  calculate as follows:


The Dependency(T) normalize on the value , which we have take as 1,
is submit for the Pic .4.

                                                           4. Discussing the results.

   Discuss a correlation of theoretical and experimental results. First, within the framework of stated here simplify models is reached satisfactory consent of theory and experiment on the nature of dependencies  h(F)  and even on quantitative values (Pèñ .3).
   Secondly, within the framework of this models is well explained dependency of depth of channel from defocusing . In the experiment for all focal lengths and temperatures a depth of channel depends only from the relations of values an defocusing  to the focal length  F , i.e. moreover value h , noticeably ñïàäàåò at values  |D F/ F|@ 0.15 . I.e. in rough drawing near a diameter of focused bunch of radiating near a constrction is changed under the law , easy value that values  answer |D F/ F|@ 0.15  threshold of  diameter of lazer bunch  d = 1.7 ´ 0.15 = 0.25sm.

     Discuss now nature of unbalance of theoretical and ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíûõ results. In the first place follows to note high sensitivity of theoretical dependencies to the value of parameter
  , (but signifies and to values of share and powers deliver on the bottom).
   In particular, and presence 50%  absorbing in the channel is capable to reduce a value on 35% . Possible exactly additional absorption a ferry, sharply increase with increasing a depth of channel  , brings about  the restriction of depth of channel and difference of theory and experiment for T =100 under greater values of focal length  F . Note , that influence of this factor particularly greatly for lenses with the big focal length, for which even small  veriation of the  value  bring about the observable âàðèàöèÿì h , under which this  is reach:
     For revision present models highly useful was measure absorption a pair, which enough difficult correctly value theoreticaly , because of the profusion of factors, on it affecting. Possible measurement scheme is a drive çîíäèðóþùåãî lazer bunch along the surface of water through the formation a pair, expire from the channel . The most essential divergence theoretical models with the experimentals value is difference of ranges of existance vepour - gas channel on the parameter  F . According to theoretical models greatly for forming a channel a value of focal length

powerfully depends (through the dependency ) from the temperature of liquid. Then extrapolation of experimental dependencies  under different temperatures in area greater focal

distances - (Pic .3) allows to assume,approximately under all values of temperature equally, = 50sì . Note herewith , that predict by the theoretical model a de-emphasis answer maximum h(F)  under the fixed temperature, has and in  the experiment:,though offset of experimental maximums noticeably more weak theoretical . Expansion of area of existance of channel on the parameter  under low temperatures possible to explain as follows.
   In theoretical models , but more exactly at the building of dependencies (Pic. 3), was expect that parameter depends from the temperature only. However from physicists of process is known that share of energy, which disperses on the evaporation, depends on efficiency of a convection motion . As far as  of a convection  moving a liquid most powerful for big depth channels and practically are absent under  h ---> 0 , naturally consider that in areas of nondeep channels , when convection does not  to carry away from beneath the tip overheated liquid, share  eve x an under Ò < 100° tends to the value T (100° C ) . On edges of area of existance of channel for this reason, under F< 5sì and F>; 30sì , for low temperatures theoretical dependencies on Ðiñ.3 give lowered values. In particular, as far as on the threshold of arising a channel of a convection motion practically is absence , possible expect that on the threshold  doe xs not depend on temperatures, but this means an absence of dependencies or highly weakenning dependency from the temperature of threshold of arising a channel and  F(limit.).


   Demonstrate possibility to explain available experimental ïàðîãàçîâîãî channel studies within the framework of simple models , based on that, that in the field of äîíûøêà channel power of return of vapours indemnifies a difference of curvature of walls of channel and äîíûøêà, i.e. power shallow stretching.
   Received evaluations of threshold of forming a channel, dependencies of its depth from the focal length of lens F and dependencies of share of the lazer energy x , walking on the evaporation, from the temperature of liquid.
Main òhåoretilaly predictions models, which important check experiment .
   Predictions models for require adjustments, take ýêðàíèðîâêó of radiating into account by vapours a water in the channel, which possible do at presence experimental çíàåíèé for the factor of absorbing fly from the crater a pair.
   The thåîretical dependency (Pic. 3) for low temperatures in the field of F<3; >25ñì are distinguish from experimental dependencies of value  x from the focal length under the fixed temperature.